Deriving Keys using CLI Wallet

There are three types of keys on chain and it can be generated using the CLI wallet. The types of keys are:

  1. Active

  2. Owner

  3. Memo

Follow the below steps to generate keys in the wallet

1. Set a password and unlock the wallet

In a new command line window, we can access the cli_wallet program after all the blocks have been downloaded from the chain. Note that "your-password-here" is a password that you're creating for the cli_wallet and doesn't necessarily have to be the password you used while creating Peerplays account.

set_password your-password-here
unlock your-password-here

The CLI wallet will show unlocked >>> when successfully unlocked.

A list of CLI wallet commands is available here:

2. Generate OWNER private keys for the cli_wallet and import them

The below command will return an array with your owner key in the form of ["PPYxxx", "xxxx"] ["TESTxxx", "xxx"].

Note that the "created-username" and "created-password" used here are the username and password from the Peerplays-DEX account created.

get_private_key_from_password created-username owner created-password

The second value in the returned array is the private key of your owner key. Now we'll import that into the cli_wallet.

import_key "created-username" SECONDVALUEFROMLASTCOMMAND

3. Generate ACTIVE private keys for the cli_wallet and import them

The below command will return an array with your active key in the form of ["PPYxxx", "xxxx"] / ["TESTxxx", "xxx"].

Note that the "created-username" and "created-password" used here are the username and password from the Peerplays-DEX account

get_private_key_from_password created-username active created-password

The second value in the returned array is the private key of your active key. Now we'll import that into the cli_wallet.

import_key "created-username" SECONDVALUEFROMLASTCOMMAND

The keys that begin with "PPY"/"TEST" are the public keys.

Last updated

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