Create Account
The create account screen is opened from the Home Page and is the screen where every new account is created/registered.
Text | Type | Comments |
Create New Account | Static |
Data Proxy | Static |
[proxy name] | Dynamic | Value set in config-dataproxy.json |
*Required fields | Static |
Name | Constraints | Placeholder Text |
User Name | Max Length: 24 Min Length: 8 | User name |
Password | Max Length: 40 Min Length: 8 | Password |
Confirm Password | Max Length: 40 Min Length: 8 | Confirm Password |
Caption | Type | Action |
REGISTER | Button | Validate all fields and then return to the Home Page |
X | Image | Close the screen without adding a new account and return to the Home Page |
Exception | Error Message |
No user name | Username not entered |
No password | Password not entered |
Password too short | Password must be at least 8 characters |
No confirm password | Confirm password not entered |
Password and confirm password not the same | Password and Confirm Password are different |
Note: For the first release there will be no additional validation on the password format for strength or special characters etc. The only constraint is that the length must be >=8 and <= 40 characters.
Last updated