Infrastructure Documentation

This is the place for those who are interested in operating a Peerplays node. Discover detailed installation guides, node specific information, guides for performing maintenance, and much more.

What is the Use of Infrastructure Document?

Infrastructure documents play an important role in illustrating about Peerplays nodes and the process of working on a node. There are various categories to describe about the concepts of Peerplays and they are listed below.

The Basics

The concepts under the basics describes the Node type, Hardware requirement, CLI wallet, and First Tokens. This section focus on providing the essential details about the requirement before starting the process using Node. Click the below link to learn more about the basic concepts.

The Basics

Advanced Topics

The topics under this section explain about the Test environment, steps involved in manual installation, enabling Elasticsearch in node. To know about the concepts in details click the below link.

Advanced Topics


There are various types of procedure like Manual, Docker, GitLab Artifact installation for Witness node. Click the below link to know more about the steps involved in installation.


Sidechain Operator Nodes (SONs)

Click the below link to explore about the installation guides to operate SONs.

Sidechain Operator Nodes (SONs)

Bookie Oracle Suite (BOS)

The Bookie Oracle System, or BOS, is a unique decentralized sports feed oracle system originally designed for the BookiePro dApp. Click below link to learn more about the BOS.

The below section explains about the BOS Installation using MongoDB, Redis, configuration of bos-auto. Along with the detailed explanation on how to Install BookieSports & MINT.

Bookie Oracle Suite (BOS)

Data Proxies

The Data Proxy serves as a middle man between the Data Feed Providers (DFPs) and the Bookie Oracle System (BOS) operated by the Witnesses.

Data proxy is the process through which the all the data received by BOS is normalized/parsed to the required format.

Click the below section to learn in details about:

  1. Data proxy Introduction

  2. How Data proxy works?

  3. How to set up Data Proxy?

  4. How to create own Data Proxy?


Couch Potato

BookiePro requires real-time data feeds in order to create various sports, events, markets etc. that are the basis of the sporting exchange which fabricate a challenge whether data is reliable and accurate. This leads to the introduction of couch potato concept where a person input data directly into a portal/API which gets posted directly to BOS. The person here is the "data feed provider" and API/Portal is the "Data Proxy".

Click the below section to learn in detail about Couch Potato:

  1. Introduction

  2. Functional Requirement

  3. User guide to create an account

  4. Use of Database and API

  5. Proxy payment consideration


Other Documentation

There are different types of document available to reduce the cost around time and helps in landing to specific topic.

  1. Peerplays Public Docs Portal - To land in Public documentation portal.

Last updated