Sub Modules
bookiesports.cli module
bookiesports.datestring module
rfc3339 conform string representation of a date can also be given as str YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS
assumes rfc3339 conform string and creates date object
bookiesports.exceptions module
exception bookiesports.exceptions.SportsNotFoundError
Bases: Exception
bookiesports.log module
bookiesports.normalize module
exception bookiesports.normalize.EventGroupNotNormalizableException
Bases: bookiesports.normalize.NotNormalizableException
class bookiesports.normalize.IncidentsNormalizer
Bases: object
This class serves as the normalization entry point for incidents. All events / event group and participant names are replaced with the counterpart stored in the BookieSports package.
= 'beatrice'
default chosen chain for BookieSports
= {}
As class variable to have one stream for missing normalization entries
= None
If normalization errors should be written to file, set file here
(incident, errorIfNotFound=False)
static not_found
static use_chain
(chain, not_found_file=None)
exception bookiesports.normalize.NotNormalizableException
Bases: Exception
exception bookiesports.normalize.ParicipantNotNormalizableException
Bases: bookiesports.normalize.NotNormalizableException
exception bookiesports.normalize.SportNotNormalizableException
Bases: bookiesports.normalize.NotNormalizableException
Last updated